iPad Blogging

We use free Kidblog websites for interactive writing and as digital portfolios at our school. These are resources used to help students get started with iPad-based blogging using KidBlog.

These videos are also available in a YouTube playlist.

When you finish, read posts written by other students (in your class or in other classes) and write comments for them. Remember to write in complete sentences!

A QR Code PDF page of these videos is available via Google Drive.

This is the text of a blog post shared on classroom blogs (linked in the top navigational sidebar) in Spring 2014.

  1. Today your assignment is to write a post about the Marshmallow Challenge you completed this week. Here are the steps to follow. Click the link for VIDEO TUTORIAL after each step for more instructions.Find a photo you want to include in your post in this Flickr photo set. Save the photo to your iPad camera roll. (VIDEO TUTORIAL YouTube version)

  2. Add your class to KidBlog on your iPad and login. (VIDEO TUTORIAL YouTube version)

  3. Change your KidBlog userID to your first name (with a capital letter – don’t add your last name). (VIDEO TUTORIAL YouTube version)

  4. Select and save an Avatar for your KidBlog account. (VIDEO TUTORIAL YouTube version)

  5. Create a new post on KidBlog and include the photo you saved in step 1, and at least 3 sentences about what you learned during the Marshmallow Challenge. (VIDEO TUTORIAL YouTube version