Center 7 - Sound Energy
These are instructions for this student center.
Read pages 2-7 of the book "Sound and Light" by Colin Kong with a partner.
Discuss these questions together as you read these pages:
When are sounds made?
What is compression in a sound wave?
What is frequency?
What is wavelength?
What does sound need to move?
Why do sound waves travel more slowly through a liquid than a solid?
Use AudioBoo on your iPad to interview your partner about what you read together on these pages.
Use this as your script:
Hello, today is ___________, and this is _____________, a ___th grader in Mrs. ___________ class at Independence Elementary school in Yukon, Oklahoma.
Today we are talking about what sound is, what sound waves are, and how sound travels.
I'll be interviewing ______________________ today.
So tell me, _______________, what is sound? [PARTNER ANSWERS WITH SEVERAL COMPLETE SENTENCES.]
Thanks for that great explanation! Now, _______________, what are sound waves? [PARTNER ANSWERS WITH SEVERAL COMPLETE SENTENCES.]
Please tell us what frequency and wavelength are? [PARTNER ANSWERS WITH SEVERAL COMPLETE SENTENCES.]
Thanks for that description.
Last of all, please tell us about how sound travels through a medium. Do vibrations take longer to move through a liquid or a solid? [PARTNER ANSWERS WITH SEVERAL COMPLETE SENTENCES.]
Well, that's all we have for you today, thanks so much for listening to this AudioBoo recording from Independence Elementary school in Yukon, Oklahoma.
When you save your AudioBoo, be sure to:
Include your homeroom teacher's name, the primary speaker's first name, and the Center name in the TITLE. Example: Hooge - John- Sound Energy
BONUS: Post to your KidBlog and include a link to the AudioBoo recording your class created. Find your recording on our iesSTEM AudioBoo channel.